Sixteen years ago Monique Ortiz met one of her musical heroes, Mark Sandman, the late leader of the Boston rock trio Morphine. Ortiz managed to get backstage at a Morphine show in Philadelphia and the young musician griped to fellow-bassist Sandman about the town’s lack of musical job opportunities. Recognizing a kindred spirit, Sandman suggested that Boston might be the place for her.
Sandman’s instincts proved correct. For the past decade-plus Ortiz has been a local favorite, leading the bands Bourbon Princess and A.K.A.C.O.D. With a deep voice and a striking stage presence, the singer/bassist is one of the few to build something personal out of Morphine’s rhythm-driven “low rock” sound. Some of Boston’s best players, including ex-Morphine saxophonist Dana Colley and drummer Jerome Deupree, have been in her bands.
domingo, 21 de agosto de 2011
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